What is a CPU (Central Processing Unit)?

how cpu works
What exactly is a CPU? A server’s central processing unit (CPU) is a physical component that houses the main computing unit. Data is transformed into digital signals by servers and other smart devices, which then use those signals to do mathematical operations. The main element that processes the...
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What does time-to-live (TTL) mean?

time-to-live (TTL)
What does networking’s time-to-live (TTL) mean? The term “time to live” (TTL) describes the number of “hops” that a packet is allowed to stay in a network before a router discards it. TTL is also utilized in other settings, such as DNS and CDN caching. How does TTL...
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Best Website Speed and Performance Testing Tools

Google PageSpeed Insight
When it comes to the performance of websites, web administrators and SEOs frequently have two questions that may be answered by internet tools: What is the speed of my website? How can I make my website performs better? Numerous website-monitoring solutions are available to find these issues if...
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Ways to Reduce Server Response Time

Server Response Time
Brief introduction Website owners and SEO experts should prioritize the goal of decreasing server response time. It is a pointless investment of resources to create a website if it takes too long to load and drives visitors away. The initial few seconds are crucial in determining whether a...
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How to Fix Cloudflare 522 Error?

Cloudflare 522 Error
The Cloudflare error 522 is an error code that means a server is unable to reach a specific webpage. It is also known as the connection timeout error. In this article, we will explain what this error is, why it happens, and provide solutions to fix the Cloudflare...
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What is Inode (index node)?

Inode (Index Node)
An inode represents every single file, directory and symlink in the hosting account. An inode (index node) is a fundamental concept in the Linux/UNIX file system. Each object in the file system is represented by an Inode. What is Inode? Every file in a Linux/UNIX environment has the...
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