Choosing a web host is an important part in the development of your site. Because of that we decided to give you, our readers a few tips and tricks to help you in choosing the correct web host for your site. It doesn’t matter if you have a web host already, or if you are just getting around to building a site and choosing a host for it, in either case you need to be clear on your requirements.
To clear your requirements please ask yourself the following questions!
Are you using a platform? (And what platform are you using?) Or are you building it yourself?
What kind of information do you publish or plan to publish on your site?
How many people visit your site daily?
In what location are your visitors located?
Do you require any additional services? Such as emails and offsite backups?
Does your site generate any kind of income?
What kind of support channels is your site requiring?
Now that you have answered these questions you also need to determinate the reason you want to change your current host.
To find the best web host you also need to know what kind of questions to ask and how to formulate them correctly. You can just go and ask what is the best web host? You don’t need to ask a direct question like that, you will need a different kind of approach. Try asking which is the bets host to let’s say WordPress? This kind of question can help you more in choosing then the direct one, like what is the best host?
It’s a good idea to look for reviews on the host your thinking of choosing. A satisfied client always leaves a review, so if the host is one of the good ones it will definitely have many reviews. And also look for more detailed reviews. The kind that explains better the kind of service the host is providing.
Do not copy from celebrities, their need are probably different than yours, so if you want take their advice, but be aware that there is a difference between their needs and your needs.
It’s not always a good thing to follow the testimonials from clients on the host’s site. In many cases those testimonials are left early and they might not be accurate at all. At first the client might be satisfied, but after a year or less they might not be as satisfied as they were before.
One of the best processes that help is in choosing the best web host is to run tests. Yes it may cost you more money, but at least you will get an insight into the provider’s services yourself.
Here are some general things you should be looking for when choosing a web host.
What is the type of hosting? Is it shared? Is it VPS? Etc.
What are the available support channels at all hours seven days a week?
Does the host use cPanel, or selected software? How many domains can be hosted on one account
What is the location of the server?
Does the host focus on specific platforms?
How much do they charge?
Look for general feedback from users that have the same requirements as you!
As you can see, choosing a host can be a though job, but if you take the time to search more carefully, you can find the best web host that meets your needs for your site. So, if you really have decided to change your host our advice is to do your homework and search carefully!