What is a CPU (Central Processing Unit)?

Banko StoyanovMarch 20, 202410min0

What exactly is a CPU?

A server’s central processing unit (CPU) is a physical component that houses the main computing unit. Data is transformed into digital signals by servers and other smart devices, which then use those signals to do mathematical operations. The main element that processes the impulses and enables computation is the CPU. It serves as any computing device’s brain. It retrieves instructions from memory, completes the necessary operations, and returns the completed work to memory. All of the computational work needed to execute the operating system and programs is handled by it.

In what ways has CPU technology evolved over time?

Vacuum tubes were employed in the early computers for processing. Large, heavy machines that produced a lot of heat and required a lot of electricity were the ENIAC and UNIVAC. The late 1940s saw the development of transistors, which completely changed CPU technology. With the replacement of vacuum tubes with transistors, computers became more dependable, energy-efficient, and compact. Integrated circuits (ICs) were created in the middle of the 1960s to incorporate many transistors and other parts onto a single computer chip. Microprocessors emerged as a result of CPUs being increasingly faster and smaller.


Microprocessors enabled the development of personal computers by combining the whole CPU into a single integrated circuit chip. CPUs could initially process 16–32 bits of data at once. 64-bit CPUs first appeared in the early 2000s, enabling more sophisticated data processing and bigger memory addressing.

It got more difficult to further improve single-core CPU performance as transistor density rose. Rather, to incorporate several cores into a single chip, CPU makers started to use multi-core processor designs.

Modern-day processors

The proliferation of mobile gadgets has made power efficiency essential. These days, CPU producers create energy- and low-consuming CPUs for contemporary portable gadgets like tablets and smartphones.

With the increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) and graphics-intensive jobs, workloads are now handled by specialist CPUs such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and AI accelerators.

More advancements in materials science and nanotechnology have opened the door to the production of tiny transistors and more potent CPUs. The development of computer processor technology might be aided by quantum computing and other coming technologies.

What make up a CPU’s components?

A CPU is an intricate electrical circuit made up of many essential parts that process information and carry out commands. The following lists the major parts of a CPU.

Control unit

Control flow inside the CPU and between other computer components is coordinated by the control unit, which also oversees the processing of instructions. It has an instruction decoder part that decodes the instructions read from memory and turns them into CPU-executable micro-operations. The control unit gives other CPU components instructions on what has to be done.


Within the CPU, registers are tiny, fast-moving memory storage areas. They save the data that the CPU is working on right now and make data retrieval easier. CPUs can contain a variety of register types, such as these:

  • Registers with a general purpose and operational data
  • Instruction registers that store the instruction that is being executed at that moment
  • The memory address of the subsequent instruction to be fetched is stored in a program counter.

Compared to RAM and cache memory, registers offer quicker access times.


Basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) as well as logical operations (AND, OR, and NOT) are carried out on data by the arithmetic logic unit (ALU). It gathers information from CPU registers, processes it in accordance with control unit instructions, and outputs the outcome.

Memory management unit

There may be a separate bus interface unit or memory management unit, depending on the CPU architecture. These parts take care of memory-related duties include controlling the communication between the CPU and RAM. It also manages virtual memory, which the CPU needs for data processing, and cache memory, a compact and quick memory unit found inside the CPU.


A clock signal is necessary for the CPU to synchronize its internal processes. The CPU’s actions are synchronized by the clock, which produces a consistent pulse at a set frequency. The number of instructions the CPU can process in a second is determined by the clock speed, which is expressed in hertz (Hz). The clock rates of modern CPUs are flexible, adjusting according to workload to balance power consumption and performance.

How are CPUs operated?

Computer processors process data and control the information flow within electronic devices in conjunction with other hardware elements and software applications. Usually, they operate in cycles, with three primary phases represented by each instruction cycle.

Cycle of a core processor

The following lists the fundamental actions in an instruction cycle.

Get instructions

Instructions are retrieved from memory by the CPU. The instructions are binary codes that correspond to particular CPU jobs or processes. The control unit decides the action to be taken after interpreting the command. Additionally, it indicates which precise CPU parts are needed for the job.

Processing of instructions

The CPU uses the acquired data to perform the designated operation. It can transmit data between registers or memory locations, manipulate data, make logical comparisons, and do mathematical computations.

Storage of results

The CPU might need to store the outcomes in memory or update certain registers with the updated information after completing an instruction. The address of the subsequent instruction to be fetched is pointed to by updating the program counter, or PC. The CPU goes through the cycle again, retrieving, decoding, and executing instructions one after the other.

Additional processor functions

The CPU can also handle control flow instructions like jumps and branches along with interrupts, signals generated by external devices, or events requiring immediate attention. When an interrupt occurs, the CPU temporarily suspends the current task, saves its state, and jumps to an interrupt service routine. After it processes the interrupt, the CPU resumes the previous task.

Modern CPUs often use techniques like parallelism and instruction pipelining to enhance performance. Multiple instructions can be in different cycle stages simultaneously, which allows for more efficient use of CPU resources.

how cpu works


Some advanced CPU features

The top CPU combines performance, efficiency, and flexibility to handle a variety of computing jobs with ease. Next, we provide some sophisticated features.


Unlike earlier times when a single-core CPU was the norm, modern CPUs include many physical cores. Within a CPU, a core is a single processing unit. The CPU’s ability to manage several threads, or sequences of instructions, simultaneously increases with the number of cores, greatly enhancing total performance. By breaking up jobs into smaller subtasks that may be finished concurrently, applications can benefit from the multi-core design.

The practice of hyperthreading

Intel created hyper-threading, a simultaneous multithreading technology that enables several threads to execute concurrently on each CPU core. It enables the operating system to view each physical core as having two virtual cores. The program makes better use of the hardware resources that are available.

Advanced instruction sets

Additionally, sophisticated instruction sets and technologies built to speed up particular activities are features of modern CPUs. These instruction sets offer extra capabilities to handle complicated computations more effectively, going beyond basic arithmetic and logical operations.

CPUs, for instance, could have instruction sets reserved for the following tasks:

  • Activities involving multimedia, including image processing, audio encoding, and video decoding.
  • Techniques for encryption and decryption, such as Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
  • Single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) tasks: these involve the CPU running the same operation on big datasets at the same time. These include activities like digital signal processing, scientific simulations, and graphics rendering.
  • Virtual machines (VMs) can operate more effectively thanks to virtualization.
  • Tasks using AI, such as neural network operations.

Banko Stoyanov

This blogpost is written by Banko Stoyanov. Stoyanov is a Marketing manager at CooliceHost. Stoyanov holds an MBA in Marketing strategy and Business developing. He's passionate about data analysis, consumer behavior, cloud technology, and marketing. He is a lifelong learner who regularly keeps himself updated with the latest technologies and industry advancements. In his free time, he explores coffee scene and stays active through running and fitness. Find him on Linkedin and Facebook.

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