A CPU that has separation between two areas of the processor is called a virtual core. Virtual cores do some of the computer’s work without interacting with other components. A virtual processor is another name for a virtual CPU (vCPU). It isn’t actually on the processor, but it acts as if it were.
For quantitative and consistent data interpretation across wells, Virtual Core processing detects and displays core properties like lamination frequency, parting fractions, intensity, dip angles, and more. Using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, automated and semi-automated systems can classify comparable rocks or events on entire cores. In a comprehensive and integrated viewing and analysis environment, Virtual Core combines picture, full core CT, and processed feature detection views (even microscopic-level data) with petrophysical excellent log data.
Features of Virtual Core
- Data processing and cleansing
- Integrated viewer for images, volumes, and logs
- Easy navigation from millimeter-resolution features up to hundreds of feet of core
- Machine learning with advanced detection algorithms
Let’s find out how does it differ from Physical core?
- For every physical core in a CPU, Hyper-Threading technology provides two virtual processing cores.
- The virtual cores receive power from the physical core, therefore, they are responsible for the processing of tasks.
- Every virtual core is similar to the other, and while none of them are as powerful as the actual core, their combined strength significantly outshines that of the physical core in the case of Hyper-Threading being disabled.
- Physical cores are located on the chip itself, as the name implies. Logical cores are a method of treating those physical cores that allows them to be used as two cores, therefore, an AMD 8350 has four physical cores and four logical cores, whereas an i7 4760k has four physical cores and zero logical ones.
- The i7 quad-core processor has four physical cores and eight logical ones. A logical core’s capacity is defined as the number of threads it can handle simultaneously. A thread is a list of instructions. As a result, this i7 can process eight threads at the same time, as each of its physical cores can support two threads. An octa-core processor, such as the fx 8350, has eight physical cores and eight logical ones because it can handle eight threads. You can run many more threads, but the processor will only process a certain number at a time.
- A physical core is what it sounds like: a CPU’s physical core. Every physical core does have its hardware as well as its L1 (and often L2) cache, which can receive and execute commands independently (most of the time) from other physical cores. On the other hand, a logical core is a programming abstraction rather than a real thing. A logical core is a processing unit that can execute its thread parallelly with other such cores. In truth, a logical core and a thread are the same things.
- Each physical core can have numerous logical cores. However, because logical cores work collaboratively alongside other logical cores within the same physical core, possessing extra logical cores does not always result in the same performance boost as having additional physical cores.
- The highest number of virtual cores that can be assigned to a virtual machine is as much as the host’s physical core count. Since each vCPU represents a virtual machine execution thread, it makes no sense to create more threads for the same VM than it can support concurrently. The overall number of virtual cores for all virtual machines on a host, on the other hand, can (and should) surpass the number of physical ones.
- For SAP instance and database optimization, the number of physical CPU cores is more important than the number of CPUs or virtual CPUs (hyper-thread technology). If it’s a four-way four-core CPU host, the number of recognized physical CPUs that are operational for apps is 16.