Differences between OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise

Banko StoyanovMay 31, 20239min0

openlitespeed vs litespeed enterprise

OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise are both web server software developed by LiteSpeed Technologies. While they share some similarities, there are notable differences between them:

  1. Licensing: OpenLiteSpeed is an open-source web server released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It means that it can be used, modified, and distributed freely. On the other hand, LiteSpeed Enterprise is a commercial product that requires a license to use in a production environment.
  2. Features: LiteSpeed Enterprise offers a broader range of features compared to OpenLiteSpeed. The Enterprise version includes advanced caching mechanisms, built-in DDoS protection, and enhanced security features like mod_security integration, IP access control, and anti-DDoS connection and request limits.
  3. Performance: Both OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise are designed to provide high-performance web server solutions. However, LiteSpeed Enterprise typically offers better performance due to its advanced features like LiteSpeed Cache, which can significantly improve website loading speeds and handle higher traffic loads.
  4. Support: OpenLiteSpeed benefits from a community-driven support model, where users can seek help through forums, community groups, and online resources. Conversely, LiteSpeed Enterprise customers have access to official technical support from LiteSpeed Technologies, including priority support channels and assistance with configuration, troubleshooting, and performance optimization.
  5. Compatibility: LiteSpeed Enterprise is fully compatible with Apache configurations, allowing it to directly replace Apache servers without requiring changes to the existing setup. OpenLiteSpeed, on the other hand, uses its own configuration format, which might require some adjustments if migrating from Apache.
  6. Cost: OpenLiteSpeed is free to use and doesn’t require any license fees. LiteSpeed Enterprise, being a commercial product, comes with licensing costs based on the number of CPU cores utilized by the server.

NOTE: LiteSpeed Web Server supports Apache rewrite rules and the main Apache directives. It auto detects any of the changes done in . htaccess and adjusts as necessary without any restart of the server, while OpenLiteSpeed supports rewrite rules, but not Apache directives, and requires to restart the server to load any new ones.

In summary, OpenLiteSpeed is a free and open-source web server with limited features and community support, while LiteSpeed Enterprise is a commercial product that offers advanced features, improved performance, and official technical support from LiteSpeed Technologies. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements, budget, and level of support needed for a given project.

A good comparison can be seen here: Compare LiteSpeed Web Server Editions

The choice between OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed often depends on the specific needs and requirements of the user or organization. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Open Source vs. Commercial License: OpenLiteSpeed is an open-source web server, which means it is free to use and modify. On the other hand, LiteSpeed is a commercial web server that requires a license for full functionality.
  • Performance and Scalability: Both OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed are known for their high-performance and scalability. LiteSpeed, however, generally offers additional performance optimizations and features in its commercial version, which can provide better performance for high-traffic websites.
  • Features and Functionality: LiteSpeed offers a broader range of features compared to OpenLiteSpeed. Some advanced features, such as LiteMage Cache (Magento-specific caching) and QUIC support, are only available in the commercial version of LiteSpeed.
  • Support and Updates: As a commercial product, LiteSpeed typically offers dedicated technical support and regular updates. OpenLiteSpeed, being open source, relies more on community support and may have a different update cycle.
  • Cost Considerations: OpenLiteSpeed is free to use, which makes it a cost-effective option for those on a tight budget. LiteSpeed, being a commercial product, requires purchasing a license, which may be a significant factor for some organizations.

Ultimately, the choice between OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed depends on the specific requirements, budget, and support needs of the user or organization. If advanced features, dedicated support, and commercial licensing are important, LiteSpeed may be the preferred choice. However, for those looking for a free and open-source solution, OpenLiteSpeed can be a viable option with good performance and community support.

Integrating LiteSpeed with WordPress can result in faster page loading times, improved website performance, and better handling of high traffic. LiteSpeed’s caching capabilities, dedicated WordPress caching plugin, support for modern protocols, and security features make it a popular choice for optimizing WordPress-based websites.

Here’s how LiteSpeed can benefit WordPress:

  1. Caching: LiteSpeed Web Server offers built-in page caching, which can dramatically improve the performance of WordPress sites. It caches dynamic content and serves it directly from memory, reducing server load and improving response times.
  2. LiteSpeed Cache Plugin: LiteSpeed provides a dedicated caching plugin called LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress (LSCWP). This plugin offers advanced caching features specific to LiteSpeed servers, such as object caching, browser caching, and CDN integration. It further enhances the performance of WordPress by optimizing CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, and delivering them in a minimized and combined format.
  3. HTTP/2 and QUIC Support: LiteSpeed supports the latest web protocols, including HTTP/2 and QUIC. These protocols improve the loading speed of websites by enabling parallel loading of multiple resources and reducing latency. They are especially beneficial for WordPress sites that have many assets to load, such as images, stylesheets, and scripts.
  4. Security Features: LiteSpeed includes security features like built-in anti-DDoS protection, mod_security integration, and comprehensive access control rules. These features help protect WordPress websites from various types of attacks, such as DDoS attacks and web application vulnerabilities.
  5. Traffic Handling: LiteSpeed is known for its efficient handling of high traffic loads. It utilizes event-driven architecture and efficient resource management, allowing WordPress sites to handle a large number of concurrent connections and requests without sacrificing performance.
  6. Compatibility: LiteSpeed is designed to be compatible with Apache’s mod_rewrite rules, which are commonly used by WordPress sites. This means that WordPress websites can be seamlessly migrated from an Apache server to LiteSpeed without requiring significant changes to the configuration.

Overall, LiteSpeed’s performance optimizations, LSAPI PHP SAPI, caching mechanisms, security features, and compatibility with PHP and popular PHP applications make it a suitable choice for web-based applications written in PHP. It can provide significant performance improvements and enhance the overall user experience of PHP-based websites and applications.


Banko Stoyanov

This blogpost is written by Banko Stoyanov. Stoyanov is a Marketing manager at CooliceHost. Stoyanov holds an MBA in Marketing strategy and Business developing. He's passionate about data analysis, consumer behavior, cloud technology, and marketing. He is a lifelong learner who regularly keeps himself updated with the latest technologies and industry advancements. In his free time, he explores coffee scene and stays active through running and fitness. Find him on Linkedin and Facebook.

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