An year has passed since we announced our plans to release LiteSpeed and CloudLinux to some of our shared servers. So we decided to give you a little information on what LiteSpeed and CloudLinux could do about your site speed or performances.
Let’s start with LiteSpeed first – LiteSpeed Static Content:
When static content is involved, LiteSpeed has proven itself to be a lot faster than the Apache server. If all of our clients on shared hosting plan start to use LiteSpeed, they will notice a immediate increase of the loading speed of text, link, images etc.
Litespeed PHP Content Delivery:
As far as PHP content delivery is concerned, LiteSpeed has proven itself to be more than 50% faster than Apache. Which means, that WordPress and other open source (as well as similar custom) platforms – the users will notice a difference in the loading speed.
CloudLinux with CooliceHost
Now as you all probably know in traditional hosting, as one account uses more and more resourced at some point the server fails to work properly.
Now, CloudLinux OS is creating for its clients their own little world. Where each account has limited number of resourced to use. This is helping with the stability of the server and the uptime.
Higher Google Rankings!
If you increase the loading speed of your web site, you will give better chances for your website to go higher in Google search ranking.
If you need any kind of help or if you have some questions you can always contact us at any time. Or you can either comment here or submit a call us.