Make your DirectAdmin Reseller Account to Look Like a Traditional Hosting Panel

adminSeptember 14, 20203min0

Some people like the new DirectAdmin layout but a lot of prefer more traditional hosting control panel view… Traditional theme is fully supported on servers and you can  to set it as default  with couple of clicks if you prefer such layout…


Set the theme for the Reseller Hosting Account


After Initial login DirectAdmin layout may look like that.

to change view for the reseller go to top right corner click on Hello username to see the drop down menu and choose Skin Options


Set Layout to Icon Grid

Set Theme to Traditional Grid Theme

Optional Set Icon Pack to Modern

Your account will start to look like that:



 Set the same theme for your customers accounts…


Go to Reseller Tools tab and click on Customize Evolution Skin

In the first tab Musc. Options set

Default Layout – Icon Grid

Check – Forbid users changing the skin layout on user level

Set Default icon pack to Modern

Set Theme to – Traditional Grid Theme

and check force theme if you want then hit Save

(optionally you can change the logo and the color scheme from other tabs)


End result will be like on the Screenshot bellow for your account and for your customers created manually or from your billing software.





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