
Shared Hosting VS.VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting
Hosting Industry Shared hosting VPS – VDS

Shared Hosting VS.VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

Before you start your new website you need to choose the best web hosting plan that exists. There several various…

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Differences between Semi Dedicated (VPS Hybrid) Hosting and VPS
Featured Semi-dedicated Hosting VPS – VDS

Differences between Semi Dedicated (VPS Hybrid) Hosting and VPS

Many clients are really confused when it comes to finding the differences between the Semi-Dedicated hosting and the VPS hosting….

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WooCommerce SQL injection vulnerability

WooCommerce SQL injection vulnerability

Two weeks ago а SQL injection vulnerability in WooCommerce was discovered in version 2.3.5 and the old ones. Just for…

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How to Host Ghost on a Nginx Subdomain
Nginx Hosting

How to Host Ghost on a Nginx Subdomain

Nginx is a proxy server that was released back in 2004 on October 4th. The server is made to serve…

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Speeding up Your Opencart Store

Speeding up Your Opencart Store

Since OpenCart is the best and most used system for online store creating, we decided to give you a few…

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5 Tips On Choosing a WordPress Theme

5 Tips On Choosing a WordPress Theme

You want to create a website or a blog and you have already chosen the opensource system WordPress – the…

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Why choose Nginx and not Apache?
Nginx Hosting

Why choose Nginx and not Apache?

Apache and Nginx are the two most common open source web servers in the world. In the next lines we…

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